This Sunday, cream together the largest TRICOLOR HUMAN!
Continuam protestele in acelasi stil pasnic si creativ care ne-a facut remarcati peste hotare! Aparandu-ne drepturile, ne aparam pe noi insine! Romania NU este divizata, ROMANIA ESTE UNITA!Porneste aplicatia si daca te afli in Piata Victoriei ecranul tau se va colora automat in functie de zona in care te afli.Ne vom organiza pe trei sectoare: (cum privesti spre Guvern), avand ca si recepere cei patru stalpi de iluminat din fata guvernului.1. Stanga Palatului Victoria (1-2) -> ALBASTRU 2. Centru (intre stalpul 2-3) -> GALBEN 3. Dreapta Palatului Victoria (3-4) - ROSUWe continue protests peacefully and creatively in the same style that made us noticed abroad! Defending our rights, we defend ourselves! Romania is not divided, ROMANIA IS UNITA!Start your application and if youre in Victoria Square will fill your screen automatically depending on where you are.We will organize three sectors: (as you look towards the Government), with the reception and the four lighting poles in front of Government.1. Left Victoria Palace (1-2) -> BLUE2. Center (between pillar 2-3) -> YELLOW3. Right Victoria Palace (3-4) - REDDisponibilitate instant app